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Health & Privacy

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Smart devices measure and monitor more and more data related to health, while more and more patients and care workers are experiencing the benefits of using this technology. Technological and digital innovations are becoming crucial drivers in the transition of healthcare, where the patient and the quality of care must be at the center of this innovation.

Do we really want all kinds of companies - big and small - to know our weight, heart rate and general fitness? Are you completely comfortable with how multinationals or the government protect our data? Or is allowing technology equal to giving up a little privacy anyway?

During 'Health & Privacy', we want to highlight both aspects: we want to show you some fantastic innovations which can enrich our lives... but at the same time, we want to tackle the data protection issue.

Date & Time
24 March 2022
17:00 19:00 Europe/Brussels

OH Leuven

King Power At Den Dreef Stadion
46 Kardinaal Mercierlaan
3001 Heverlee
+32 16 22 85 08
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